Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hey Barackhole.....

You and your Goonie Goo Goo Wife haven't worked an honest day in your life. Now you have the audacity to say the following:

"If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

How dare you, how dare you belittle all the hard work that millions of small business owners have put into their own PRIVATE businesses?

I have decided since you feel that everyone else built my shop I will forward you my landlord's address so you can pay the rent. The quarterlies are due, you can pay those. How about the machine leases?
Can I send you my payroll tax liability for the month? How about my stock and tooling bill? I'll throw in the gas bill, insurance bill , workman's comp bill, electric bill, freight bill, water bill, registration and inspection bills and on and on and on....

I'll send these all along to you so you can have everyone that helped me build this business help to pay them, how's that sound? 

This is what I built ...NOT YOU!

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