Sunday, July 15, 2012

Stuck at Work This a Must Read...

I have to finish up a report to the State in regards to some well water issues here at the sooper sekrit workplace. Seems the state doesn't like some of the test results they got. Oh well, we will see what happens.

Anyway, I was perusing the blogs and took some time to read this post over at Old NFO's. I know it's preaching to the choir but it should be something that is read and shared.

Enjoy your day 

Here is the start to his post:

One to think about...

this is another one that came over the transom at work today... From the mil-email...

A scary contribution from one of our “friends”. But the real scary part is if you read the paper or watch TV…nobody seems to care. The fact OUR parents cared….and their parents before them…is the only reason we exist today. AND it seems we are emulating Europe who represented greatness ONLY in the past.

Surely folks will wake up...   Maybe...
Tink... tink... Is this thing on???

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