Saturday, July 14, 2012


Got tech trouble signing online?

For about a month I just quit using Firestorm. No more. I quit.
Something was buggy. When I signed on, the little bar thingy would go across and show everything was fine.

Then on the last step it would stall. And it would just log me out before I even started.

Very frustrating.

Then I found out how to fix it. It was RIDICULOUSLY simple. And it's made logging into SL about 20 times faster for me.

(find out how after the break)

The answer was NOTIFICATIONS.

According to the Firestorm help group, all those notices that your groups send to you add up.
And they slow your log in time a TON.

And if there's too many notices, your viewer won't even log.

Try it!! Clear all your notices out and see how fast you get online next time.

And if you are like me and can't even get on, here are the steps you need to take to clear all those notices out RIGHT NOW:

Firestorm Logs out During Login

When you receive notifications, unless you dismiss them, they accumulate for later reading, in the small envelope icon on the lower right of the screen. Over time, they will grow in number. If you log out, these unread notifications are saved for when you next log in. If there are too many of them, processing them during next log in can cause a log in time out and you will be disconnected. The solution here is to delete the file with the saved notifications.
  • Locate your Firestorm settings folder. If you do not see this folder, you may need to show hidden folders.
    • On XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[YOUR USERNAME]\Application Data\Firestorm 
      or use the environment variable %APPDATA%)
    • On Windows Vista and 7: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Firestorm 
      (or use the environment variable %APPDATA%)
    • On a Mac: /Users/[YOUR USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/Firestorm
    • On Linux: ~/.firestorm
  • In this folder, open each folder which has the name of your SL account(s) and inside that, delete the file called open_notifications.xml - this will result in all past, unread notifications being lost.

    For more info, just CLICK HERE

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